Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month How PCR Business Finance Helps Hispanic-Owned Businesses Flourish Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to recognize and celebrate the vibrant culture, rich history, and significant contributions of the Hispanic community to the fabric...
Employee Ownership Loan Program
Employee Ownership Loan Program PCR Business Finance – Employee Ownership Loan Program Event Launch PCR Business Finance is delighted to share the success of our recent in-person launch event for the Employee Ownership Loan Program! This landmark initiative is...
PCR Awarded Citi Foundation Grant
PCR Awarded Citi Foundation Grant PCR Business Finance Selected for Citi Foundation Community Progress Makers Initiative: Awarded $1 Million in Unrestricted Support Over Three Years PCR Business Finance is thrilled to announce its selection as part of the fourth...
Dulan’s Soulfood Kitchen Re-Opens
Dulan’s Soulfood Kitchen Re-Opens PCR Clients Flourishing in The Community: Dulan’s Soulfood Kitchen Re-Opens Dulan’s Soul Food Kitchen stands alone in South Los Angeles. Operating in the Crenshaw District for 30 years, it is a cultural landmark for the city’s Black...